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Why Cuyahoga County voters should not vote for corrupt and racist Tim McGinty for county prosecutor to prosecute innocent Blacks, others

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CLEVELAND, Ohio-Former Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Tim McGinty, also a former assistant county prosecutor, is a candidate for county prosecutor in the Democratic Primary whom community activists are calling the Black community's greatest nightmare and a detriment to the Democratic process (Editor's note: McGinty resigned as the first judge presiding over the Anthony Sowell Serial Killer Capital Murder Case for impropriety. He was a tyrant on the bench who harassed Blacks, women, community activists, other minorities and his own judicial colleagues. He put former Cleveland NAACP Executive Director Stanley Miller as a Cuyahoga County Grand Jury Foreman to push grand jury indictments of felony criminal charges against Blacks for the state of Ohio that other grand juries would not indict).

The Cuyahoga County Democratic Party decided not to endorse any of the five candidates for county prosecutor including Subodh Chandra, whom a cadre of community activists have endorsed.

Regardless, community activists say that the worst and most dangerous candidate to the Black community and others is Tim McGinty.

A man with a reputation in some circles as a bully and a moron whose disregard for humanity and fair play is unprecedented, the tyrant McGinty constantly dogged his former judicial colleagues in public forums, many of whom cannot stand his guts.

He is disliked by most area criminal defense attorneys, data show, and his resignation from the bench last year was celebrated by a host of his innocent victims that came before him, many women, most Black, some community activists, and others that just caught him on a bad bully-the-public-because-I-can day.

Activist groups say that if Tim McGinty were elected he would tear Cuyahoga County and the Black community apart as a county prosecutor with the power to prosecute felony indictments by the grand jury on behalf of the state of Ohio.

The job also serves as the county's attorney that represents the county and its employees in civil litigation brought for activity undertaken while acting under the scope of their responsibilities.

An investigation by the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog. Com and Cleveland Urban News.Com reveals that former Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Timothy McGinty has done the following:1) Had Michael Green prosecuted (as an assistant county prosecutor before becoming judge) and sent to prison for 13 years alleging a rape of a White woman where the arbitrary rape conviction was subsequently vacated and Green, a Black man, has since been released due to DNA sampling; 2) Issued a warrant that had police storm the family home of then 16-year-old Brandon McCloud, who was accused of robbing a delivery pizza man where the unarmed Black teen was shot by police 12 times, and died; 3) Handed Plain Dealer reporters the medical and mental health records of Convicted Serial Killer Anthony Sowell and said after being exposed by then Plain Dealer Editor Susan Goldberg that he thought he had an agreement with newspaper reporters and ranking officials to keep it quiet that he is a source to it, though Goldberg said before resigning as editor in 2010 that no such agreement was ever reached; 4) Resigned as the judge presiding over the Anthony Sowell Capital Murder case for unethical activity including providing case data to the Plain Dealer; 5) Jailed a White female community activist in a mental ward illegally because she wore an anti-George Bush t-shirt to court and would not apologize to police for being beat up by them for posting anti-George Bush signs on street poles in Cleveland Hts.; 6) Had an order to imprison a Black man for an alleged probation violation when the probation period was up overturned on appeal; 7) Had an order for a Cherokee Indian woman to do a 10 page essay on drunk driving, that he did not ask of similarly situated Whites, overturned on appeal; 8) Kissed up to Plain Dealer reporters to have them do favorable articles rather than to tell the truth about him; 9) Said in a a CBS News Special in 2010 that Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, his administration, and Cleveland police were allegedly responsible via neglect for the Imperial Ave. Murders as to the murders of 11 Black women whose bodies were uncovered at the Imperial Ave. home of Serial Killer Anthony Sowell in 2009; and, 10) Appointed former Cleveland NAACP Executive Director Stanley Miller as a Cuyahoga County Grand Jury Foreman to bring felony indictments of criminal charges against Blacks and women that previous grand juries would not indict.

(Editor's Note: Community activists want the state law amended that allows common pleas court judges to appoint grand jury foremen. It is unconstitutional because it infringes upon the right to due process via a neutral trier of the law per the 14th Amendment and the right to a fair trial as required by the 6th Amendment. And having specialized case dockets for judges like  former Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Lynn McLaughlin Murray's veterans docket to fix cases is unconstitutional too because it interferes with the random draw assignment process for judges in multi-judge courts, also in violation of the due process clause of the 14th Amendment and the 6th Amendment's right to a fair trial).



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