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Obama Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett joins former Ohio First Lady Frances Strickland, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson in Cleveland, Ohio to push early voting, Jarrett calls Romney a liar, Jackson says Obama is an urban-centered education president

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By Kathy Wray Coleman, Publisher, Editor-n-Chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper

CLEVELAND,Ohio-Obama administration senior adviser Valerie Jarrett (pictured in blue), a high ranking Black United States official and one of three senior advisers that has President Barack Obama's ear, visited Cleveland to get out the vote for the Obama for America Campaign and joined Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson (pictured) and former Ohio First Lady Frances Strickland (pictured in Black) to thank volunteers Thursday afternoon at Obama's Euclid Ave. campaign  branch.

"It's a pleasure for me to be back in Cleveland and we are so proud of our grassroots organization," said Jarrett in thanking Obama for America Campaign volunteers. "You can trust President Obama."

Jarrett, Jackson and Frances Strickland all had something to say and all three sat down on Thursday with Cleveland Urban News.Com Publisher and Editor-n-Chief Kathy Wray Coleman, Call and Post Reporter and Business Editor James Wade and Swedish Political Correspondent Priscilla Imboden to talk about Ohio, Cleveland, and why President Obama should get four more years.

Jackson said that he is appreciative of Jarrett and of Obama, the first Black president of the United States of America.

"I really appreciate you [Jarrett] coming to help because this election is key to Cleveland and the state of Ohio," said Jackson, who like Obama, was born to a White mother and Black father, and has no problem claiming his Blackness.

A lawyer, business woman, civic leader and scholar who worked under former Chicago Mayor Harold Washington and was the deputy chief of staff to former Chicago Mayor Bill Daley, Jarrett, 57, who is also assistant to the president for public engagement and intergovernmental affairs, told Cleveland Urban News.Com that Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney is an outright liar whose desperation at deceiving the American public becomes more vivid as the November 6 presidential election looms.

"If he will deceive you during the course of a campaign what will he do if he gets elected?," asked Jarrett on Romney's alleged lies.

Jarrett said that Romney is lying when he now says he supports womens' rights while he backs overturning Roe v. Wade, and that he is lying when he says he is fair when his tax plan cuts taxes for the rich on the backs of the middle class and the poor. And, said Jarrett, Romney is no doubt lying when he says he supports the nation's public school teachers when he advocates larger class sizes and breaking public sector teachers unions.

First Lady Strickland, who has been highly visible on the campaign trail for her president along with her husband Ted Strickland, who lost a close bid for reelection to Republican Gov. John Kasich two years ago, was fired up too.

"Ted and I feel strongly about this election and we just need to get people out to vote,"said lady Strickland, a former elementary school teacher who packs a guitar to sing at rallies as she travels the state of Ohio in support of the reelection of Obama.

Jackson, who controls the Cleveland Municipal School District under state law as mayor and was also campaigning Thursday afternoon  or Issue 10, the 15-mill schools property tax levy on the November ballot, said that Obama believes in urban development and supports public schools.

"He supports public education," said the mayor of Obama.

Cleveland area Black leaders were pleased with the show of support for the president, including Jarrett, Frances Strickland and Mayor Jackson.

"It is good to see senior officials from the White House, local elected officials, and state Democrats coming together in support of the reelection of President Barack Obama," said state Rep. John E. Barnes Jr., a Cleveland Democrat and Obama delegate.

Retired Ohio state Rep. Vermel Whalen, also a Cleveland Democrat, said that she agrees with Jarrett on Romney being an alleged liar and took it further saying that "Mitt Romney is a psychopathic liar."

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